In January we had the privilege of being media representatives for the 2019 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, Florida. It was more than what we expected! Golf Industry Professionals along with PGA Professionals from all over the world come together to see what is trending in the world of golf.
We attended the world’s largest Outdoor Demo Day, listened to seminars from the top golf instructors, sat in on the golf version of Shark Tank, ooh’d and aah’d at a fashion show (more on that later), and met our newest PGA President. We walked the show’s floor and rubbed elbows with our industry’s VIPs. We took it all in so we could come back and share with you our top highlights from the show. Although there were hundreds of amazing vendors, seminars, etc that were great.
These guys took our breath away at the show. ARGOLF prides it line of deluxe putters on three things: Finesse, Technological Precision, and Balance. I promise they deliver on all three. All of their putters are fully customizable, making every putter like every golfer, unique. Just putting their PENDRAGON model in my hand, I could picture sinking 20 plus footers with ease. It is no wonder our friend Lucas Glover decided to put an ARGOLF in his bag on tour this year.